Elisa Krebs [ē-lē-sa]
A firm believer that complacency is the enemy of good user experience.
Spectrum Enterprise Storage – Archives
Re-designing the Archives page so clients understand when and why their files are being deleted.
Spectrum Enterprise
Multi-Select Table
Designing a new multi-select table interaction for a client facing portal and internal applications.
Salesforce Journey Builder
Improving a marketer’s confidence at time of send by building trust in the software.
Apple TV Installation Guide
Because before a customer can enjoy our digital user experience, they have to successfully install the hardware.
CHI 2020: Meal Chat
Promoting mealtime social interaction for college students eating on campus.
Crafting error messages to provide Spectrum customers with more context and less frustration when things go wrong.
Rethinking the lifecycle of t-shirts through service design. Diverting textiles from the landfill through experience design. Creating an innovative, sustainable product through industrial design.